
Posts Tagged ‘Applying Proven Entrepreneurial Methods to Achieve Success in Every Day Life’

Aaron Q&A #3 – How to See Opportunity like the Great Entrepreneurs

Monday, January 14th, 2013

QUESTION – In the book Do Great Things, you share a surprising perspective – that it is possible for the average person to see opportunity others do not see much in the same way that great entrepreneurs have seen opportunity.  Can you elaborate more on that idea?

ANSWER – I have always been fascinated with how the great entrepreneurs have been able to see opportunities that no-one else was able to see, and they have taken advantage of those opportunities by creating a product or service to meet needs that were not being met previously.  Henry Ford, for example, recognized that most of the auto manufacturers were only focused on one segment of the population – the very rich.  When Mr. Ford formed Ford Motor Company there were about 250 auto manufactures.  By 1928, 1 out of every 2 cars in the world was a Ford.  Ray Kroc is another example.  He recognized the changing trends of the population back in the 1950s with the baby boom generation and expansion of the interstate system, and he purchased McDonalds from the McDonald brothers for very little in comparison to what it became worth in a very short period of time as fast food restaurants exploded onto the scene.  Howard Shultz did the same with Starbucks in the 1980s.

Now imagine the amazing potential if you could start to see opportunity in your personal life that others were not seeing.  You could begin to recognize amazing talents in your children or opportunities in your marriage or in your job or ministry.  In the book, Do Great Things, I reveal the process the great entrepreneurs use to see opportunity by demonstrating how to ask the right questions.  The thinking process is built on questions, but most people are not asking the right questions.  Once you are asking the right questions, then you must begin noticing the trends and then seeing the big picture.

I then take the entrepreneurial framework of seeing opportunity and wrap it in a powerful biblical approach.  I demonstrate with amazing examples like Moses, Joseph and Paul.  The ability to see opportunity others do not see can be a life changing approach.

Aaron Speaks on How to See Opportunity Others Miss

Sunday, July 29th, 2012

Aaron’s company, FTRL Railway, featured by Terry Bradshaw on Today in America

Wednesday, April 25th, 2012

FTRL Railway, one of the companies Aaron co-founded, is being featured on Terry Bradshaw’s show Today in America. The show covers FTRL Railway and its role in the rail industry. Both Aaron and his father, Bill Broyles, are interviewed in the segment in addition to one of FTRL Railway’s clients, Gateway Terminals.

The show is currently airing in regional markets across the nation including St. Louis on Charter on CNN Headline News (HLN, channel 39). You can view the show right now on the FTRL Railway website at It airs in St. Louis on the following dates and it will also run nationally on Fox Business sometime later this summer:

Thursday, April 26, 9:54 AM, CNN Headline News Charter Cable
Thursday, April 26, 8:24 PM, CNN Headline News Charter Cable
Friday, April 27, 6:54 AM, CNN Headline News Charter Cable
Saturday, April 28, 6:54 AM, CNN Headline News Charter Cable
Saturday, April 28, 8:24 PM, CNN Headline News Charter Cable
Sunday, April 29, 11:24 AM, CNN Headline News Charter Cable
Sunday, April 29, 3:54 PM, CNN Headline News Charter Cable

Do Great Things Intro Video

Thursday, March 22nd, 2012

Aaron speaks about focusing on the most important

Tuesday, September 20th, 2011

Focus on the most important – Aaron Broyles from Aaron Broyles on Vimeo.

Part 7 – Goal Setting – Just Do It

Tuesday, August 9th, 2011

Several years ago, Nike ran a great commercial with the slogan, “Just Do It”. I can’t stress the importance of taking action. Discipline is the key. There’s no better way to describe what you must do next, so I’ll let Nike’s slogan do the work: Just do it.

Go out and take action on the goals you’ve set. There will be days when you don’t feel like it, and there will be many days when it won’t be convenient. Those are the days that you have to decide. You are either going to live with purpose and meaning, or you’re going to be a slave to your feelings and live in mediocrity. Jim Rohn once said, “We must all suffer from one of two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The difference is discipline weighs ounces while regret weighs tons”.

Nolan Bushnell, the founder of Atari and Chuck E. Cheese’s Pizza, described the power of action, “A lot of people have ideas, but there are few who decide to do something about them now. Not tomorrow. Not next week. But today. The true entrepreneur is a doer, not a dreamer.” You do not have to be an entrepreneur to be a doer and a person of action. This principle rings true regardless of your profession. So just do it.

As you work through the powerful seven steps outlined in these last several blogs, you will reap numerous benefits. Goal setting will provide a focus on what’s really important in your life, and it will allow you to perform at a higher level.

Zig Ziglar refers to one advantage of goal setting as the ability to free your right brain. In Zig’s book Over the Top, he talks about freeing your right brain. “The best analogy I can give you is the superbly conditioned and gifted athlete who is so disciplined and committed to the fundamentals of the game that he or she is free to be at the creative best. When unique situations arise where the athlete must improvise to make the big play, coaches of gifted athletes will typically say, “You can’t coach that.” Michael Jordan, for example, was confronted a number of times in every game he played with a new situation. It might have been the number of opponents around him, the number of players supporting him close by, the exact distance of the ball from the hoop, or a number of other little things that would make the situations uniquely – even if minutely – different from previously encountered situations. Because Michael was so drilled in the fundamentals of dribbling, passing, shooting, faking, pumping, and looking off, he, with his superb athletic skills, could be creative in the way he handled the truly unique situations that arose.”

Whenever you have the big questions answered in your life, and you are living in discipline, you are allowing your mind the creative freedom it needs to do great things. You are putting yourself in the position to win and win big.

Part 6 – Goal Setting – Document Your Goals and Review Them Daily

Monday, August 8th, 2011

Once you’ve worked through the first 5 steps, you need to document each of your major goals and then review them every day.  I use Outlook calendar on my computer as a means for reviewing my goals.  I set up a recurring appointment on my calendar for every morning at 7 a.m.  I marked it private so that only I can see it, and then I typed all my goals into the appointment.

Every morning I get into the office, and I review my goals.  Another option is to print or write out your goals and place a copy in the glove box of your car or in your planner or some place that will be visible to you on a daily basis.  Whenever you arrive to work or school or wherever you are headed, pull them out and review them.  It takes me about 3 minutes every day to review my major goals.  This is very important because it keeps your top objectives at the front of your mind on a daily basis.

I’ve been using this format of goal setting now for almost 15 years.  In preparation for this blog, I went back and reviewed my goals from years ago.  I was amazed to see that I’ve achieved or exceeded virtually every goal I set for myself.  Goal setting is a powerful process that will change your entire life.

By reviewing your goals daily, you will create the focus necessary that will remind you to take action.  This daily action will set you on a course for doing great things.

Part 5 – Goal Setting – Create Urgency

Friday, July 1st, 2011

Urgency is a potent force, because it is usually produced by some degree of leverage.  Leverage leads to urgency and urgency leads to action, usually immediate action.

Think about this for a moment.  Imagine the windshield wipers on your car have quit working.  The weather forecast is predicting sunshine with no chance for rain for the next week.  You know you need to get the wipers fixed, but how urgent is it that you get them fixed soon?  Now imagine that your windshield wipers have quit working and a thunderstorm is imminent in the next few hours.  Has the urgency changed?  Of course it has, because the looming storm has created leverage.  If you don’t get your wipers fixed in the next few hours, you will either be without a vehicle or in danger for the duration of the storm.

Here’s another example.  A few years ago I was working in an office building and the fire alarms went off.  I knew that I would have to exit the building, but I assumed it was only a test, so I was not in any hurry to leave.  I checked a few more e-mails and casually left my office.  As I entered the hallway towards the elevator, people were yelling from the other end of the hallway that the building was on fire.  Can you guess how my urgency changed upon learning that news?  I went from a slow, leisurely stroll to a full run for the stairs.  The leverage of possibly dying in a fire created the urgency for me to take immediate action and get out of there fast.

If you can create urgency around your most important goals, then you will find yourself taking instantaneous action.  The reason most people fail in their ability to accomplish their goals is because they never associate the necessary urgency to do so.

One way to create urgency is through the practice of setting dates.  Setting a date can be a very effective means to creating urgency.  Think about a time when you were in school and you had a term paper due or a big test coming.  If you were like me, you probably found yourself working harder the closer you came to the deadline.

A deadline or date for achievement creates that pressure, and it gives you a clear picture of when you expect to accomplish your goal.

Another way to create urgency is to consider the consequences of not accomplishing your goal.  One of my top goals is to have an outstanding relationship with each of my children.  I have created several plans for how to be involved in the lives of my children, but these plans do not have an inherent urgency to them.  Usually our most important goals are not urgent in nature, especially when we do not consider future consequences.  One way that I create urgency around my goals with my children is to imagine how they will turn out as adults if I fail as their father.  This process has produced incredible results for creating urgency in my life.

Urgency is the spark that ignites the fuel of your goals.  Use it to create the necessary action you must take in the process of making your goals reality, and you will be on your way to do great things.

Part 4 – Goal Setting – Anticipate The Obstacles

Friday, June 17th, 2011

In my last blog, we covered the components of making the plan.  With every plan that you make, there will be obstacles.  It’s important to identify the obstacles and then be aware of how you will overcome them.  This planning will put you in a proactive posture, and you will not be demoralized when the obstacles come your way.  They will come.  I promise you.  You don’t accomplish great things without obstacles.  So plan and prepare for them.

Mary Kay Ash, founder of Mary Kay Cosmetics, once said, “When you reach an obstacle, turn it into an opportunity.  You have the choice.  You can overcome and be a winner, or you can allow it to overcome you and be a loser.  The choice is yours and yours alone.”  If you are going to make the choice to overcome the obstacles that are certain to come your way, then make those choices in advance.

One of the reasons the United States special operations forces are so effective is that they spend a lot of time in their preparation for missions by determining all possible obstacles and potential set-backs and then formulating contingency plans.  When a special operations force commences a mission, they usually have a very specific game-plan, however they always have several contingency plans for any obstacles they may encounter.  The benefit is that when obstacles arise in the middle of a mission, they can quickly adapt and make the necessary adjustments.  The absolute worst time to consider contingencies is when you are in the middle of executing a plan.  It is much better if you have considered the possible obstacles in advance and prepared accordingly.

This is a step often overlooked on one side and often over-analyzed on the other.  If you are a “glass half full” person, then your inclination will be to overlook this critical step.  Positive people struggle to consider everything that could go wrong.  This thinking runs counter to the core of their personality.  If this is your predisposition, then force yourself to carry out this exercise.  If you do not, you might be shocked and paralyzed when you reach your first obstacle.  You may find yourself in a defensive posture looking for a quick way out.  The result will not be good.

If you are a “glass half empty” person, then will have no problem at all considering everything that could possibly go wrong.  The danger of this exercise is that you may use all the possible obstacles as reasons to abandon your goal before you ever begin.  The value of listing all the possible obstacles will materialize when you are able to strike a balance between the two extremes.

As you list the potential obstacles, think about your contingency plans and how you will make adjustments.  You will not only be equipped to make the necessary modifications, but you will also dramatically increase your level of confidence and your ability to achieve the goal in your quest to do great things.

Part 3 – Goal Setting – Make a Plan

Wednesday, March 23rd, 2011

Goal-setting experts report only 3% of the population do any kind of goal setting.  For those few that are setting goals, even less take the time to create a plan for how to achieve the goal.  You have to be able to map the trip from where you are now to where you want to be when the goal is accomplished.

Your plans will change.  It’s alright to modify and adjust your plans.  Your goals, on the other hand, should remain constant.  I have a friend who’s a pilot in the U.S. Air Force.  He says that when you determine your destination, you then create a flight plan.  When the plane gets into the air and heads toward the destination, the pilot is constantly making adjustments.  Every few minutes, adjustments are being made to keep the plane on course to its final destination.

Only in extreme and rare cases does a pilot change the plane’s destination, but it is very common for the pilot to make minor adjustments and modifications to keep the plane on course.  Your goal setting practices should be very similar.  Once you set the goals, they should be locked down.  In some rare cases, you may decide to change a goal, but this should not be a common practice.

Your plans for accomplishing a goal must be specific.  The more specific you can get with your goal planning, the more effective you will be at accomplishing the goal.  For example, what if I told you that I had a very special gift for you, but you would have to meet me in order to get it?  Suppose you are in St. Louis, and I am somewhere in California.  How would you get to me?  You would need specific directions.  What if I only told you that I am in California?  What are the odds that you would ever find me without specific directions?  Slim to none.

The difficulty in being specific is that we don’t always know how to get to the destination we seek, so do not worry about your plans being perfect.  They will not be perfect.  I can promise you an imperfect plan is much more effective than no plan at all.  You will learn from your mistakes and make the necessary adjustments until the plan finally comes together.

Map out the course you intend to take from where you are today to where you intend to be at the completion of the goal, and you will be positioned to do great things.